Sida Liu

A Learner in the Complex World.

  • An Analogy between Computing Components and Brain Structures

    An Analogy between Computing Components and Brain Structures

    In the technological landscape, an intriguing analogy unfolds between computer components and the human brain’s architecture. The CPUs, foundational to traditional computing systems, are analogous to the subcortical structures of the brain. These subcortical areas, evolutionarily older and essential for basic life functions, parallel the CPU in handling core computing tasks and basic operations. Advancing… Continue reading

  • An Analogy between Literature and Mathematics? Reading ‘The Educated Imagination’

    An Analogy between Literature and Mathematics? Reading ‘The Educated Imagination’

    I heard about the book ‘The Educated Imagination’ in an interview with a math professor. She mentioned it because she likes the analogy that literature is just like math, both being languages of imagination. I like math but don’t understand literature, so I decided to explore this book to see if literature really is analogous… Continue reading

  • Some Basics, Reading ‘Game Theory, A Very Short Introduction’

    Some Basics, Reading ‘Game Theory, A Very Short Introduction’

    I have begun learning about game theory and recently read Ken Binmore’s “Game Theory: A Very Short Introduction.” I would like to share some of my thoughts: Utility In game theory, there is a quantity called Utility. It represents the payoff for a player in a game. Von Neumann proposed a practical way to estimate… Continue reading